This is a sacred place where I can explore my heart with paint and pen...

A sacred place where I invite you to travel along...

Stay Open...

This will be the last mandala of 2014...I am working very hard on staying open and just need to quiet myself for the next few days in order to start the new year in a better mental place...This year has been a rollercoaster ride of events for me (not unlike other people's lives) I have lost loved ones (my favorite Aunt...My best friend) I have been dealing with health Mother (who is 88) has been dealing with health issues...and now I feel as if I am losing someone whom I love dearly and I am trying to process it in order to stay open...
I am aware that all things have their season...a time to live...a time to die...but I believe everyone feels that it is never the right season when those things happen...and I know it is easier to close myself up than to keep myself open...So, I will work very hard on it...with love and patience for myself and my heart.

Stay Connected.../ Reflection Friday

Today I am aware that this week has been all about staying take outside influences or inner chatter and leave it outside the keep true to the season and be generous of be aware of my dream and listen to my heart and my know I have nothing to fear as I allow my wings to unfold as I travel my stay connected to the true essence of me.
As you reflect on your week what are you aware of ? 

stay connected...

Today I am aware to stay connected to the spirit of the be of good be patient and send gratitude and love out into the smile and believe in the magic of the season.
What do you need to stay connected to today?

Stay Connected...

Today I am aware to stay connected to my dream...that it doesn't matter if anyone else is involved...that it doesn't matter if anyone else understands the why of it...that it doesn't matter what anyone else says about it...that my heart and my voice is all I need to stand by.
Are you connected to your dream? 

stay connected...

Today I am aware that there are days where you are flying...and days when you are swimming. I don't believe that one is better than the other...both will take you down the same path if you listen closely to the whispers of your heart. There is nothing to fear when you allow your wings to unfold...there is nothing to fear when you are riding the ebb and flow long as you stay connected to your heart.
How do you stay connected to your heart?

Intuition...Reflection Friday

Today, as I reflect on my week I am aware that TRUST has been at the center...I am trusting that the decisions I am making will move me forward...I am trusting that the whisperings of my heart will provide me with insights...I am trusting that I will see the miracles that unfold around me as I explore the course of my path...I am trusting my intuition as I examine my life in the present.
I am trusting...

What did you trust in this week?

miracles unfolding...

Today I am aware to trust in see the miracles that have unfolded in my life. To trust that I have made it through so many different times because of the beautiful miracles of love that surround trust that I am never alone and that miracles can be the simplest of Today, I am aware of the miracles that are unfolding around me.
Are you aware of the miracles unfolding around you?

whispers of my heart...

Today, I am aware to listen closely to the whispers of my heart...To hear the words that come from deep believe that I am heading in a direction where wonderful things are about to believe that I am growing...shifting...expanding...and as I keep swimming I am becoming more of the person I was truly meant to be.

What is your heart whispering to you?

trust in forward motion...

Today, I am aware to trust in forward motion...that even when it feels as if I am standing still I need to be aware of the thoughts and changes that are taking place with my growth...with my understanding...with my heart. I am aware that my thoughts lead me to grow...and when I recognize and honor them I can see how my path is moving forward.

How can you trust your forward motion?


Comfort / Reflection Friday

Today I am aware of the comfort that I have been consciously surrounding myself with as I reflect on this week...How when I feel myself slipping I have been trying to stay focused and to:
Surround myself with Love and Warmth...
Surround myself with Laughter and Smiles...
Surround myself with light and gratitude...
Surround myself with peace and calm...
To surround myself with comfort from the inside out.
What have you surrounded yourself with this week?

peace and calm...

Today, I am aware to surround myself with peace and calm...with so much going on around me...with the holiday hustle and bustle...with health issues and personal issues...I MUST take moments to BREATHE...BREATHE DEEPLY to feel and listen to the peace and calm that it brings to my heart...
What can you do to bring peace and calm your way?

light and gratitude...

Today I am aware of the first words that came to me...light and gratitude...I am surrounding myself with those two words today...I will recall them at different times during this day...I have written them down and carry them in my heart...Today, I am aware of the first moments of my day that declared to my heart to surround myself with light and gratitude...allowing me to be conscious of them as I actively experience them in my day.

What word or words can you surround yourself with today?

laughter and smiles...

Today I am aware that there is always a reason to bring laughter to my life. I can easily forget that happiness need not come from "things"..."get-togethers"..."talking". Happiness comes when I let go of worries...All I need to do is look around me...there are so many reasons to smile...a flying pig...dancing in the kitchen while singing...seeing the delight of a small child during this holiday season...Today. I take this moment to delight in my heart laughing causing me to smile...

What can you delight in today to bring laughter and smiles to your heart?

Surround Yourself...

Today, I am aware to surround myself with Love and Warmth...things change...situations change...some you want to, and some you don't...during change I must surround myself with the Love and the Warmth that is constant...that is ever present...and envelope myself in it...Today, I am aware to feel the Love and the Warmth that steadies my life...that protects me...that guides me...that is always present for me to lean into.
What Love and Warmth can you surround yourself with today?

love's energy/ Reflection Friday


Today, I am aware of the way love's energy has been flowing through me...allowing me to feel differently as I listen closer to the whispers of my's energy vibrating through me...around me...and outward...

As I reflect on my week I am aware that only I can plant my seeds of love...seeds of truth...seeds of beauty...seeds of gratitude
I am aware of my gratitude for the growth that I feel as I swim toward the love I carry within for myself...
I am aware of the swirling power of love that holds all my wishes and dreams that start with compassion...responsibility...patience...
As I reflect on my week I am aware of giving loving thanks for being present to the whispers of my heart...

As you reflect on your week are you aware of love's energy in your life?

loving thanks...

Today, I am aware of my heart...I am aware to be thankful...I am aware to remember that we are all connected to each other...that we each hold a place together as a whole...that all that we love...all that we touch...all that we dream is connected...I am aware of those who have touch me...those that I touch and that I will always be thankful for the love that surrounds, I am aware of my heart and I am so thankful and grateful for the love that I receive and that I release...
What are you thankful for today?

Love swirls...

Today, I am aware of words that are swirling in my heart...compassion...responsibility and patience...I am aware that these words bring me to the love that I have for myself and for others...The swirling power of love that holds all my wishes and dreams start with these words...

What words of love swirl in your heart?

the love within...

Today, I am aware of the person that I am...the person that I am at the present moment...the past cannot hurt me...the future has not yet arrived...Today, I recognize that my opinion of myself allows me to support and love myself or tear myself down...I am grateful today for the growth that I am feeling as I swim freely toward the love I carry within for the person that I am...

How can you support and love yourself more today?

Seeds of Love...

Today, I am aware of how my heart is like a fertile garden...and I can grow whatever I allow to be planted there...Today, I am aware to plant seeds of love...seeds of truth...seeds of beauty and seeds of gratitude.

What seeds will you plant within your heart today?

Ebb and Flow/ Reflection Friday

Today, as I reflect on my week I am so aware of the ebb and flow that has been taking place...I realize how much I have been fighting with myself by not allowing the natural flow of things happen...I have been allowing myself to get stuck in an undercurrent of my own making...but I will not continue to swim here...
As I reflect on my week I am aware that it is OK to begin shift in order to continue to do my inner work...
...that even though I was beating myself up for being in an ebb...I was rising above my own shards of glass...
...that once I allowed myself to split wide open I allow myself to understand and to let go of parts of  my past...
...that being aware of the calmness that overtakes me when I allow myself to enter the eye of the storm I allow my heart to open...
Today, as I reflect on the ebb and flow of my week I know that although it was a difficult one...I have learned...I have grown...I am healing.

What are you reflecting on this week?

the eye of the storm...

There is a moment when suddenly I realize that I am in the eye of the storm...where calmness overtakes me and the swirl looks and feels differently...sometimes I am not aware of how I got here...perhaps it was a gesture made by someone...a e mail...a moment of clarity...I only know that when I arrive in the eye of the storm that I suddenly see things heart opens and the negative thoughts scatter...
Today, I am aware of being in the eye of the storm with all the glory it brings to me...
What can you discover when you arrive in the eye of your storm?

wide open...

Today, I am aware of splitting wide open...going deep into the farthest places of my better understand who I face the darkness that I hold on understand what contributed to my past so I can let it empower myself to heal the pain...allowing myself to become clear in order to truly experience unconditional, I am aware of splitting wide open...

What do you hold onto that you need to become clear on?


Rise Above...

Today, I am aware of really trying hard to rise above the shards of glass that I place in my way...the shards of glass that unsettle me....I know a shift must be taking place as I am finding it difficult to listen to the positive sides of my heart...I have created a protective shell around myself for so many years because I needed it in order to be safe...but I am restless...and I know that I have to rise above these shards in order to survive...
I am trying hard to rise...

What do you need to rise above?

begin again...

Today, has been a difficult day for me for so many years...feeling stuck in emotions...I exhaust myself trying to figure out how to change those feelings ...Today, I am aware that each new day offers me the opportunity to declare to my heart that I can begin again...(and not beat myself up when I have to remind myself over and over)

I know I am the only one who has the power to change the story that I have told myself over so many years...I know I am the only one who can allow myself to let it go...I know that I am the only one who can acknowledge that I did my best in the past...I know that I am the only one who can recognize the lessons I have learned....

Today, I set the intention once more to begin allow a shift in the cycle that keeps me continue to do the inner work to heal...

to begin again...

What story do you hold on to that is not allowing you to begin again?

Happy Birthday Special...

This is a SPECIAL mandala to celebrate the birth day of my son 45 years ago...This is the 3rd birth day that I have been able to joyfully celebrate because we are reunited. My son was placed for adoption when I was 18...I have carried him in my heart we get to feel the love that holds our hearts together...I love you G....HAPPY BIRTH DAY!

be part of the whole/ Reflection Friday...

This week has been filled with emotions...and learning how to accept learn from be grow from BE...
Today, I am aware to be part of the be active and allow life to unfold around me...and not separate not be allow things to travel there path without trying to alter it...because I believe that everything works out exactly as it should...
As I reflect on my week I am aware to remember the LOVE that surrounds be GRATEFUL for all the blessings that I have especially when things are not going the way I think they allow my spirit to be STRONG and know that growth is taking place when I truly listen to my hearts' be ACCEPTING of the reality...wisdom and faith that brings me energy to allow myself to grow...
What have you discovered as you reflect on your week?

be accepting...

Today, I am aware of accepting...accepting different situations in my life that are present at the moment...things that have been raking up old coals...the coals that make me go inward to being disappointed with myself...but I am accepting things better today...I am feeling a growth where the acceptance of bringing me the energy to begin again...allowing me to move forward.

How can you be accepting today to bring yourself the energy to begin again?

be strong...

Today, I am aware that some days you just have to be just have to have strength and believe that the negative talk that you chatter at times is NOT YOUR TRUTH...That it takes heart and strength to believe and love yourself...Today, I am aware that I continue to grow with strength.
What area do you need strength?

be grateful...

Today, I am aware that at times things just don't work out the way you plan them...the way you would like them to be...the way your heart feels...but what I realize is that it is at that moment when I must swim a little deeper...beyond the surface...and find the blessings that surround me and be grateful for them...and I am aware of the blessing that I no longer hold a dark secret...I know and I am known...I love and I am loved...
What are you grateful for today?


Today, I am aware of LOVE...I stop this morning to see the love before me...I will pay attention...I will consciously look for the beauty and the miracles of love in my life. I will look at things with open eyes today...I will grow with the love that surrounds me and know that I do not have to look far to see it or feel it to my core.

Are you aware of the LOVE that surrounds you?

Reflection Friday/ My Center...

Today, I am aware that I am swimming within my center...I have been feeling and understanding my truth and allowing it to guide me...I have been accepting...listening and responding to my own heart center...
As I reflect on this week I am aware that I have been swimming to my center without the patterns of the past...
I have been Open to creating more trust in my life...
I am aware of the changes taking place...the shift that is allowing me to let go of patterns and keep the lesson that they brought...
I have been going beyond the self imposed boundaries that have been keeping me stuck...
Today, as I reflect on my week I am feeling calm as I swim in my center...

What have you discovered as you reflect on your week?

beyond boundaries...

Today, I am aware of boundaries...self imposed boundaries...telling me where I can go and what I can achieve...boundaries that I bump into when I am giving myself an excuse why I can't do something. Today, I am aware to go beyond the boundaries... to let go of excuses that keep me stuck.

What boundaries are you aware of that you can go beyond?


Today, I am aware of the changes that are taking place in my life...and how I am feeling a shift of energy...I am letting go of patterns that have caused guilt and shame... realizing that those patterns helped to make me the person that I am at this moment I freely let them go and keep the lessons they brought my way. Today, I am aware of changes...I feel myself going with the flow of them as I move forward.

Are you aware of changes taking place in your life?

Open UP...

Today, I am aware to Open Open Up in order to establish a greater share my express love and friendship by telling trusting more I am aware that I will be creating space for a deeper relationship...Today, I am aware to Open make the effort to let others know how I sharing the true me.

What do you need to Open UP in order to trust more?


Today, I am aware to swim in the colors of my life without the patterns...I have had a difficult time for many years with this season of fall...the details need not be shared, but what I am learning is that the patterns that kept me in the dark no longer serve me any purpose...that the stories that I told myself did not help me to celebrate my life...Today, I am swimming in the colors that present themselves to me...the colors that lift me up...the colors that allow my heart to surface...and to let go of the patterns that hold me down.
What patterns, that hold you down, can you let go of in order to swim to the surface?

Reflection Friday/ Love my life...

Today, as I reflect on my week I am aware to love my's mine...and mine alone...I get to choose what I let in and what I release...some days there is darkness but there is always some color somewhere to focus on...
I am aware that my journey to happiness grows and awaits me when I am present.
I am aware that if I listen to my heart...I can find that happiness.
I am aware that if I respect myself and my feelings I grow.
I am aware that if I imagine the color I can see the color.
Today, as I reflect on my week I am aware that when I take better care of myself...I can truly say that I love my life...


Today I can imagine the streaks of color that appear even when there are dark clouds. Today I can imagine that even though there may be dark clouds that color will shine through if I let it. Today I can imagine that no matter what is going on around me I can see the lesson...I can hear the message. Today I can imagine the color that always seems to pop into my life.
How can you see the color on a dark day?


Today, I am aware to respect value who I am and what I listen to my own voice and follow the direction that it takes NOT take on the responsibilities of others, that I cannot fix what is broken for them...To respect that I do the best that I can on any given day for any given reason and that to expect more than that is wrong...Today, I am aware to respect myself and what I have learned and what I am still learning.
How can you better respect yourself today?

My Voice...

Today, I am aware that I am listening to my hearts voice...I am choosing to hear the positive messages that it brings my way...I am choosing to know that it is proof of my resilience and my creativity. Today, I am aware that I often fill myself with so much clutter that the negative has a bigger I see that by doing these pages I am kinder with myself...I am giving myself a chance once again to learn...I am listening to my hearts voice...I am hearing the wisdom of my heart and creating a different story for myself.
What message does your hearts voice bring your way today when you listen closely?


Today, I am aware to take the time to see the happiness in my life...
It has been a challenging year for wise...emotionally...and there have been moments when I thought "really...could one more thing happen?"...So today, I take the time to be aware that many beautiful miracles of happiness have happened right along side of the difficult things...that I am never alone, because I am loved...that I have been creating more now than in the past few years...that because of the challenges I have been experiencing I have been taking better care of myself...and that if I just stop for a moment and look higher I will feel the happiness...the joy...bringing peace to my heart...that happiness awaits me if I choose to take the journey.
Do you see the happiness that awaits you on your journey?

BELIEVE...Reflection Friday

Today, as I reflect on my week I am aware that I just need to believe in allow myself to be exactly who I am...with all my good qualities and all my shadow believe that everything is happening just as it perfect order...and that I am growing...
To believe that my roots are planted firmly and that they will hold me up no matter how fragile I might be feeling...
To believe that my path is helping me grow by teaching me about love...compassion...grief...fear...gratitude...and trust...
To believe that by following the flow it will bring me back to my will bring me back to ME...
To believe that by exploring my patterns I will see the lesson within them...
Today, as I reflect on my week I am aware that I just need to BELIEVE that I am exactly where I am suppose to be at this given believe that my heart is open and growing...
Today....I BELIEVE!
How can you BELIEVE in yourself more?


Today, I am aware that I am exploring...exploring the patterns that appear in my life...the reappearing patterns...some I like...some cause havoc...So, I am exploring why I keep allowing those havoc patterns to come in...have I not learned anything from them yet? And when they do appear why do I fear them? Today, I am aware that I am exploring those patterns...and bringing more of the ones I like to the surface...and allowing myself to see the lessons of the ones that cause havoc so that I can release them...Today....I am exploring.
Do you have patterns that reappear in your life? How do you explore them?

Go with the flow...

Today, I am aware to go with the flow...that on some days you just have to ride the waves...that on some days the waves might be rough...they might have an undertow...and on other days those same waves might be smooth as, I am aware that all of those waves if I just go with them will bring me home...will bring me back to ME...Today, I am aware not to fight the undertow...but rather to ride it out and allow the lessons it brings to me about survival...Today, I am aware to go with the flow...
How do you ride your waves and allow yourself to go with the flow?


Today, I am aware of the winding path I travel...filled with life's lessons...lessons that take on many designs and patterns that help me navigate. There are lessons that have challenged me...lessons that have touched me deeply...lessons that have blindsided me...but today, I am aware that there will always be lessons...both painful and pleasurable...teaching me about love, compassion, grief, fear, gratitude, trust...teaching me as I continue to grow as I follow my path...

What lessons do you find on your path?


Today, I am aware of the roots I have planted...that I am not feeling as lonely...or scared. That my roots did not break when they became brittle...Today, I am aware of the warmth that surrounds me...the brightness of the light that is brought my way...Today, I am aware that even when I thought my roots had been paralyzed and could no longer grow, they held me up right...they were stronger than I had imagined...and deeper than I knew. Today I am aware of the roots I have planted and how they have served me well and will continue to as I continue to grow.
How are your roots serving you?

Reflection Friday...Be Open...

Today as I reflect on my week I am aware that I need to be stay open...I know it is easy for me to close myself up tightly...I do this because I think it is protecting me, but I know that it really is distancing me.

I am aware that I need to FOCUS on the positive things in my FOCUS on love and harmony allowing it to rise me above the seek peace from within,

I am aware that all I need to do is just feel the be aware that love is not mindfully feel and return the LOVE...

I am aware that in any given day there is a hidden gem that I simply I know I must be more present in order to find it...I am aware that by connecting to my inner wisdom I am guided and empowered to find that hidden gem...

I am aware that if I Dive Deep I will discover all that lies within me...I will be able to see and feel more of the beauty that comes from within...allowing loving and happy thoughts to wash over me...

Today, as I reflect on my week the messages came quite freely...and although some things were uncomfortable I remain OPEN...

As you reflect on your week what wonderful messages have you discovered?

Dive Deep...

Today, I am aware to dive dive deep to my my swim deeper than the allow the depth to bring my mind loving and happy feel the joy that will wash over me...Today, I am aware to dive deep...making a concious effort to feel happier...choosing a more positive mindset...

Today, I am aware to dive deep.

What treasures do you discover when you allow yourself to dive deep?

Hidden Gem...


Today, I am aware that I need to nurture understand why I am having unsettled emotions...I will not try to escape them with a nap or two...I will work today to resolve the issues that are causing them...I will take control to find the hidden gem that I am overlooking...I will connect with my inner wisdom to guide empower help me take control. Today, I am aware that in order to find that hidden gem I must choose inner peace and happiness.

Did you find a hidden gem in your day today?


There are days when I find myself projecting what I would I would react...what I would say onto others...When I know in my heart that is not the right thing to do...Today, I am choosing not to do I will only feel the love that others offer me...I will be aware today not to believe that my way is the right way...for really I know that love is not judgmental...Today, I am choosing to feel the love...and to return that love...
Do you feel the love that surrounds you?


Some days I just feel powerless...powerless to do anything about conflicts going on around me...Today, I will focus...FOCUS on love and harmony...I will FOCUS my thoughts above the turmoil I feel and seek peace within my own mind...I will FOCUS to release troubled thoughts to bring a sense of calm...Today, I will FOCUS on surrounding myself with healing energy.

What are you aware of that you need to focus on today?