This is a sacred place where I can explore my heart with paint and pen...

A sacred place where I invite you to travel along...


Be aware of the silver lining...there are things going on that are causing me to question question who I wonder if things will get better...and then I see the glimmer...the positive effect..even during this difficult and confusing time...bringing me back to my heart...back to my peace and allowing me to solve some things and accept others...and I smile...I am aware of the silver lining...

Do you see a silver lining that surrounds a difficulty that you wish to get through?


Be thankful...for everything and everyone in your life...for the challenges and for the comfort...for the disappointments and for the successes...for the dark and for the light...for your weaknesses and for your strength...for all of these things and all the people around you help you to grow... be thankful for your life...
What can you be thankful for today?


There are days when I just have to unfold myself...when I just have to let a new path appear...when I must stop hearing my own sadness...when I just have to unfold and take care of myself...unfold the feelings of judgment and unfold and follow a new path to go deeper into the discovery of myself...
What can unfolding show you today? 


My Life is MY RESPONSIBILITY!  When things affect my life I am responsible in deciding how long and how I will let it affect me...I am responsible for my own and abundance...I am responsible for what I do and how I do it...Today, I will create change where it is needed... 
How can you be more responsible for your life today?


Today I am releasing...letting order to get on with my release these upset release the thoughts of release worry and fear that surround I am releasing...I am making the choice in order to open my heart and my mind to the love that does surround me...
What can you release today?


be conscious of the boundaries that surround you...some are there to protect you...some are there that stop conscious of how you see them...listen to your heart and you will be aware of which ones take care of you...which ones allow you to be at be be be love...
Do you know your boundaries?

be...the flow...

Life doesn't always go the way I envisioned it would...or should...or flows at its own or slow...smooth or rough...questions and answers...There are days when I try to make life move around me...I try to control, I will be the flow that allows the life within me to flow in its own direction...

How can you allow your life to flow better today? 


Today, I will honor myself...although at times I find it easier to guide others when they need, I will guide listen to my heart and take my own honor how I feel and know that I am wise...I am grateful...I am strong...I am appreciative...I am true...I AM LOVE!

How can you honor yourself today?



Today, I am aware to let my spiritual eye lead me beyond the surface... where I can see and know my truth...where I am not confused by the appearance of any disorder around me...where I am focused on receiving insight into myself...and I listen intently to the whispers of my heart in order to see more clearly...

How can you allow yourself to be more insightful today?

be...the light...

I am coming to realize that I have to be the light...that the light has to come from me...that being fearful of the darkness does nothing but keep me there...being caught up in the "woulda...coulda...shoulda" only brings me hurt and disappointment...I must shine brightly for myself and for I am devoted to being the light...

How can you be the light today?


be silent...allow yourself to walk through the darkness in order to see and feel the light. Know that the silence will allow you to hear your heart telling you that you are able...prepared...and capable of getting through the darkness even when you try to convince yourself that you can not...
What will your silence allow you to hear your heart telling you today?



be willing to accept the goodness of not fear that you will lose not think that you are not "good enough"...listen to your not focus on yesterday, be willing to look at the goodness of willing to open yourself up to see and receive the goodness of your one and only life...

What goodness will you be willing to accept in your life today?


Expand beyond your circle today...have a positive effect by staying true to yourself...expand and project your passion...your all that you do...with your voice...with your words...with a this with every person that you meet to bring peace to yourself and to never really know whose heart you can touch when you allow yourself to expand...
How can you expand beyond your circle today? 


Today, I am aware of how noisy the world can there is always somewhere to go...phones that ring and mind chatter...making time for stillness...for silence...for being alone each morning to connect with my make my mandala allows me to stay in touch with listen closely to the whispers of my stay centered.
How do you stay centered?


Today, I will see and accept myself...I am willing to see the light that is within and fill myself up with my strength...with my vulnerablity...with my power...with my beauty...with my authentic self...Today, I am accepting of exactly who I am...

What can you accept about yourself today?


Do not allow the coldness that surrounds you freeze your warm...allow all that is within you spill outward with the warmth that surrounds your warm...allow that warmth to spill outward towards those you love and who love warm...allow yourself to shine through the coldness...
How can you allow yourself to be warm today? peace...

Today, I am aware that you must be at peace with yourself when you have followed your peace when you have done what you believe is the "right thing" peace even though things may not be going the way you think they peace with the love that you give to peace with who you know yourself to be.
What do you need to be at peace with today?

Life is made up of the seeds that we plant...the seeds that we plant in our any given time it can be negative or is a choice that we make to grow the flower from the seeds or to close, I plant the seeds of self-love and, I will be open to the growth of my spirit...
What seeds can you be open to today?


It is so easy to be grateful when everything is going well...being grateful when things are challenging us can be difficult...but it is important to change a negative into a positive in order to be I am grateful for this moment...this moment with the gift of this mandala...
What is the gift of this moment for you?


Do not allow the hard edges of life take away the gentle spirit within in the present moment...focus on the present rather than dwelling on the future or the past...allow your gentle spirit to balance gentle with yourself gentle with not allow the hard edges to close you up...continue to fly

How can you be gentle with yourself today?

BE...light hearted...

There are times when you must be light hearted with yourself...the beginning of this New Year I have been learning this lesson. There will be times when others see you in a light that you do not see yourself...that they will describe you as someone you do not know yourself to is then that you must learn to be light hearted with yourself so you do not swirl into darkness...that you must remember that this is their choice of words...their perception...and that it does not belong to must be light hearted enough to keep your wings unfolded and to keep flying...
How do you help yourself to be light hearted?


Every year like most creatives who journal I usually pick a word for the year...but this year I do not feel that one word is quite enough to help me on my journey...So I pick the word BE...this way I can use any word that feels right that day...that week...that month that I need to focus on... I look at the cover of my journal I am reminded to be...a constant source of energy for myself... 
What energy do you need to bring your way?