This is a sacred place where I can explore my heart with paint and pen...

A sacred place where I invite you to travel along...


What is it that allows us to take the things we enjoy the most away from our self? Why do we punish our self like that? Today I am aware to RISE...rise up and reclaim that part of drop my coupon in the box of creative energy and to hold onto the stub that allows me to experience this joy. These morning pages are taking me minutes to do...and yet they hold powerful messages for my heart. They show me my voice once again...and I am liking the sound of it!
Do you have something that you need to rise up and reclaim?


Today I am aware that following my bliss leads me to happiness...happiness leads me to be more creative...being more creative is my bliss...
What is your bliss?


I am aware of my choices today...that it is always up to me what I choose...that the moment my eyes open to the new day I can choose to be HAPPY...I can choose to start my day on a positive is always up to me what I choose...Today I choose HAPPINESS! 

Open the door...

I am aware that I have been willing to respond to the creative knocking at my door…I have been turning over my fear to my inner wisdom allowing myself to find a starting point…I have been acting on my wishes to create despite my visual frustrations…I am responding to the knocking…allowing myself to access my desire to see past my fear and access my true desire.

Is something knocking at your door?



…I am Grateful…
I am feeling happy and I am reflecting upon nostalgic moments…I am grateful for the loving children I have and the beautiful grandchildren in my life…for my family and friends… I am grateful that I have had the honor of having those who are no longer with me in my life…all have brought gifts of love to me.
I am honoring my connections…for they fill me with a sense of joy and gratitude. ...
I take time today to express my gratitude for all these connections of love...

What are you grateful for today?


Today, I am swimming...I am swimming upstream...and although it feels as if I am in choppy water I continue on my journal journey...over taking one small wave at a time to get past the PERFECTION...

Navigating...Beginning to Soul Journal...

The front of a new journal I am FINALLY allowing myself to do...I have been absent from creating this year...So much going on that I have neglected myself...the biggest being that my eye sight is failing me and PERFECTION has been my middle name for SO LONG...but with the help of joining an online spot (although I am not doing digital journaling) it is keeping me on intention for my self is to do one page ( 6 by 6) Monday thru Friday...and then to add journaling to it here...

Are you ready to start to journal with me? There is no right way...there is no wrong way...there is just the desire to tap into the whispers of your heart...lets listen together...

Begin the adventure of soul journaling...