This is a sacred place where I can explore my heart with paint and pen...

A sacred place where I invite you to travel along...

BELIEVE...Reflection Friday

Today, as I reflect on my week I am aware that I just need to believe in allow myself to be exactly who I am...with all my good qualities and all my shadow believe that everything is happening just as it perfect order...and that I am growing...
To believe that my roots are planted firmly and that they will hold me up no matter how fragile I might be feeling...
To believe that my path is helping me grow by teaching me about love...compassion...grief...fear...gratitude...and trust...
To believe that by following the flow it will bring me back to my will bring me back to ME...
To believe that by exploring my patterns I will see the lesson within them...
Today, as I reflect on my week I am aware that I just need to BELIEVE that I am exactly where I am suppose to be at this given believe that my heart is open and growing...
Today....I BELIEVE!
How can you BELIEVE in yourself more?

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