This is a sacred place where I can explore my heart with paint and pen...

A sacred place where I invite you to travel along...
Why Keep a Journal?
1. Discover the whispers your heart has for you. Your journal does not care if you spell words correctly or use proper grammar is there for your heart to open up to YOU.

2. Keep a record of your growth, your dreams, your true voice. There is something very magical about hearing your truth...letting your soul sing...growing into and with your true self.

3. Get to know yourself. Your journal will help you friend all of you. It is the sacred place where you expose who you truly are to yourself.

4. Your Soul needs to be heard. Your journal is always there for you. It is a valuable tool in the growth process. It is always there to listen and be heard.

5. Heal yourself. Your journal provides a save place for you for your direct expression...this is FOR YOU and you do not have to share it with anyone else.

6. Hear your subconscious and unconscious mind. Your conscious mind is but a tiny fraction of what is actually inside you. Journaling from your soul helps you access from other levels of your awareness.

These are just a few of the benefits you can receive as you begin the journey of soul journaling.

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