This is a sacred place where I can explore my heart with paint and pen...

A sacred place where I invite you to travel along...

Four Easy Steps...

Four Easy Beginning Steps...
1. Show Up
2. Open Up
3. Listen Up
4. Follow Up

Step One: Show Up...

I think that this sounds like a pretty self evident step in the process of journaling. However, I believe for most of us this is the hardest and perhaps the bravest step. Why? It is the first step we are taking into the unknown. Showing up means we are willing to open up the door to our true self...our soul...our inner most thoughts. It means we are willing to do the work, a commitment we are making to our self. The truth of the matter is that this is probably the hardest step. If you don't show up than the conversation can not take place. Remember that YOUR voice is always ready and available to YOU. It always has been. The question than becomes: Are you ready and willing to have the conversation?

How exactly do you Show Up...

Set a Time and a Place.

Again, this may sound like a pretty self evident step...pretty simple...straightforward...matter of fact. Really? It is not that simple at all. All of our lives are so filled...there is work, family, relationships with others, money and school. There is shopping, cooking, cleaning and lets not forget sleeping. So many real and so many self made obligations, that we wonder where we can squeeze in another 5 minutes let alone 15 minutes.

It is a matter of deciding what is important to YOU. What can wait for those 5 to 15 minutes. You get to decide if you want to speak with your voice or not. You get to decide if you need or want the guidance from within. It's your least for now. However, sometimes the Universe needs to get your attention...and if it does it will! Sometimes that attention takes the form of you getting sick, fired, divorced, or rejected. And in those moments I know we usually find it very difficult to be grateful for anything. However, it is during those times that our voice is there to help us, if we are willing to listen.

The question I propose to you is: Now or Later?  Do you want to start that conversation with your voice now or do you wait?

Sit Down...  

Set a time and a place for yourself. Get comfortable. The toughest part of showing up is the sitting down! Sometimes it seems that the moment you decide that your intention is to spend sometime with your self, that is when the world decides you have other things to do instead. The phone rings, the E- mail beeps with something that just arrived in your in box, your children need you, the washing machine buzzer just went off. The doorbell rings, your favorite TV program comes on, your tired, your thirsty, or your head starts to hurt. Something happens to stop you from sitting down.

This is all so totally normal...we give other things the power to stop us from talking with our voice. There is a part of you that already knows that once you start talking that things are going to change. And at first the fear of change is scary and we don't know if it is such a good idea because we do not know how it is going to come out. And truly this is uncomfortable not only for yourself but for others.

I invite you to recognize your interruptions for what they's YOU creating the chaos! You are probably not consciously doing this...but somewhere inside that little gremlin of negativity is playing with you.

You can start here if this is happening...ask your voice what is stopping you...ask your voice how can you create the time that you desire...write your voice a letter ...

Dear (you can call your voice whatever is most comfortable to you...)
What is going on? How am I allowing this to happen? What can I do to stop this so that I can hear you? How can I honor myself with this time for me?

If this is not happening to you...BRAVO! Then, take a different approach to beginning...

Dear (you can call your voice whatever is most comfortable to you...)
What do you have to tell me? How can I listen to you better? What would you like me to know?

This is just the beginning of a wonderful adventure....I invite you to pick up your pen...your pencil...your crayon. Then place it on your new journal...lined or unlined...large or small...and BEGIN!

* Step 2:  Open UP will follow soon...for now just get comfortable and tap into your true voice, step at a time.

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