This is a sacred place where I can explore my heart with paint and pen...

A sacred place where I invite you to travel along...

Stay Open...

This will be the last mandala of 2014...I am working very hard on staying open and just need to quiet myself for the next few days in order to start the new year in a better mental place...This year has been a rollercoaster ride of events for me (not unlike other people's lives) I have lost loved ones (my favorite Aunt...My best friend) I have been dealing with health Mother (who is 88) has been dealing with health issues...and now I feel as if I am losing someone whom I love dearly and I am trying to process it in order to stay open...
I am aware that all things have their season...a time to live...a time to die...but I believe everyone feels that it is never the right season when those things happen...and I know it is easier to close myself up than to keep myself open...So, I will work very hard on it...with love and patience for myself and my heart.

Stay Connected.../ Reflection Friday

Today I am aware that this week has been all about staying take outside influences or inner chatter and leave it outside the keep true to the season and be generous of be aware of my dream and listen to my heart and my know I have nothing to fear as I allow my wings to unfold as I travel my stay connected to the true essence of me.
As you reflect on your week what are you aware of ? 

stay connected...

Today I am aware to stay connected to the spirit of the be of good be patient and send gratitude and love out into the smile and believe in the magic of the season.
What do you need to stay connected to today?

Stay Connected...

Today I am aware to stay connected to my dream...that it doesn't matter if anyone else is involved...that it doesn't matter if anyone else understands the why of it...that it doesn't matter what anyone else says about it...that my heart and my voice is all I need to stand by.
Are you connected to your dream? 

stay connected...

Today I am aware that there are days where you are flying...and days when you are swimming. I don't believe that one is better than the other...both will take you down the same path if you listen closely to the whispers of your heart. There is nothing to fear when you allow your wings to unfold...there is nothing to fear when you are riding the ebb and flow long as you stay connected to your heart.
How do you stay connected to your heart?

Intuition...Reflection Friday

Today, as I reflect on my week I am aware that TRUST has been at the center...I am trusting that the decisions I am making will move me forward...I am trusting that the whisperings of my heart will provide me with insights...I am trusting that I will see the miracles that unfold around me as I explore the course of my path...I am trusting my intuition as I examine my life in the present.
I am trusting...

What did you trust in this week?

miracles unfolding...

Today I am aware to trust in see the miracles that have unfolded in my life. To trust that I have made it through so many different times because of the beautiful miracles of love that surround trust that I am never alone and that miracles can be the simplest of Today, I am aware of the miracles that are unfolding around me.
Are you aware of the miracles unfolding around you?

whispers of my heart...

Today, I am aware to listen closely to the whispers of my heart...To hear the words that come from deep believe that I am heading in a direction where wonderful things are about to believe that I am growing...shifting...expanding...and as I keep swimming I am becoming more of the person I was truly meant to be.

What is your heart whispering to you?

trust in forward motion...

Today, I am aware to trust in forward motion...that even when it feels as if I am standing still I need to be aware of the thoughts and changes that are taking place with my growth...with my understanding...with my heart. I am aware that my thoughts lead me to grow...and when I recognize and honor them I can see how my path is moving forward.

How can you trust your forward motion?


Comfort / Reflection Friday

Today I am aware of the comfort that I have been consciously surrounding myself with as I reflect on this week...How when I feel myself slipping I have been trying to stay focused and to:
Surround myself with Love and Warmth...
Surround myself with Laughter and Smiles...
Surround myself with light and gratitude...
Surround myself with peace and calm...
To surround myself with comfort from the inside out.
What have you surrounded yourself with this week?

peace and calm...

Today, I am aware to surround myself with peace and calm...with so much going on around me...with the holiday hustle and bustle...with health issues and personal issues...I MUST take moments to BREATHE...BREATHE DEEPLY to feel and listen to the peace and calm that it brings to my heart...
What can you do to bring peace and calm your way?

light and gratitude...

Today I am aware of the first words that came to me...light and gratitude...I am surrounding myself with those two words today...I will recall them at different times during this day...I have written them down and carry them in my heart...Today, I am aware of the first moments of my day that declared to my heart to surround myself with light and gratitude...allowing me to be conscious of them as I actively experience them in my day.

What word or words can you surround yourself with today?

laughter and smiles...

Today I am aware that there is always a reason to bring laughter to my life. I can easily forget that happiness need not come from "things"..."get-togethers"..."talking". Happiness comes when I let go of worries...All I need to do is look around me...there are so many reasons to smile...a flying pig...dancing in the kitchen while singing...seeing the delight of a small child during this holiday season...Today. I take this moment to delight in my heart laughing causing me to smile...

What can you delight in today to bring laughter and smiles to your heart?

Surround Yourself...

Today, I am aware to surround myself with Love and Warmth...things change...situations change...some you want to, and some you don't...during change I must surround myself with the Love and the Warmth that is constant...that is ever present...and envelope myself in it...Today, I am aware to feel the Love and the Warmth that steadies my life...that protects me...that guides me...that is always present for me to lean into.
What Love and Warmth can you surround yourself with today?